News - National Office

72 news items of National Office

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  1. Netherlands Public Prosecution Service charges Eritrean for violence against migrants

    A 40-year-old Eritrean has been summoned by the Dutch court for atrocities allegedly committed against migrants traveling from ...

    News item | 12-04-2024 | 15:26

  2. يَبْحثُ فريقُ التَّحري عن الجَرائِم الدُّوَلِيَّةِ عن شهودٍ على جَرائِم تمَّ ارْتِكابُها أَثْناءَ الحَرْبِ السوريّةِ:

    News item | 09-04-2024 | 14:12

  3. بيان صحفي

    لنيابة العامة تطالب بسجنه 4 سنوات لمشاركته في مجموعة مسلحة قامت بأعمال نهب خلال الحرب الأهلية في سوريا

    News item | 31-01-2024 | 13:52

  4. Public Prosecution Service demands prison sentence of 4 years for membership of an armed group that committed pillage during the Syrian civil war

    On Wednesday the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service has demanded a 46-year-old Syrian man to be sentenced to 4 years in ...

    News item | 31-01-2024 | 13:46

  5. Cooperation extended of Joint Team against migration crimes Central Mediterranean Route

    On 13 December 2023, the National Office of the Netherlands  Public Prosecution Service extended its cooperation with law ...

    News item | 15-12-2023 | 17:41

  6. الشرطة الهولندية تُلقي القبض في دروتن على شخص يُشتبه بارتكابه التعذيب والعنف الجنسي بحق مدنيين في سوريا

    News item | 08-12-2023 | 09:59

  7. Syrian man living in the Netherlands accused of torture and sexual violence against Syrian civilians

    A 55-year-old Syrian man was arrested on Friday 8 December 2023 in the Dutch town of Druten in the province of Gelderland, on ...

    News item | 08-12-2023 | 09:58

  8. La Fiscalía holandesa pide 16 años de prisión para 'Pablo Icecobar' por laboratorios de metanfetamina

    El principal sospechoso mexicano en un polémico caso que se trata de laboratorios de metanfetamina debe pasar 16 años en prisión, ...

    News item | 20-09-2023 | 17:57

  9. Man from Tajikistan and wife arrested in the Netherlands on terrorism charges

    A 29-year-old man and his wife (31) have been arrested on Thursday 6 July 2023 for suspected terrorism. The man from Tajikistan ...

    News item | 06-07-2023 | 08:15

  10. JIT MH17: strong indications that Russian president decided on supplying Buk

    There are strong indications that the Russian president decided on supplying the Buk TELAR to the DPR separatists. This is the ...

    News item | 08-02-2023 | 13:00