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134 news items

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  1. Dieseko Group B.V. accepts settlement agreement with the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service

    Dieseko Group B.V. (Dieseko) has accepted a settlement agreement offered by the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service (NPPS) for ...

    News item | 11-07-2024 | 15:09

  2. Investigation into fatal incident at Schiphol completed

    An incident occurred on the apron at Schiphol Airport Wednesday afternoon in which a man fell into the spinning engine of an ...

    News item | 30-05-2024 | 19:14

  3. Network of European aviation prosecutors

    The Aviation Expertise Centre of the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) in the Netherlands has the ambition to set up a network of ...

    News item | 29-05-2024 | 10:36

  4. Multiple Unruly Passengers and Drone Pilots Convicted

    The prosecutor demanded punishments on Wednesday, 27 March, during an aviation theme-based trial against different suspects, who ...

    News item | 27-04-2024 | 00:00

  5. Netherlands Public Prosecution Service charges Eritrean for violence against migrants

    A 40-year-old Eritrean has been summoned by the Dutch court for atrocities allegedly committed against migrants traveling from ...

    News item | 12-04-2024 | 15:26

  6. يَبْحثُ فريقُ التَّحري عن الجَرائِم الدُّوَلِيَّةِ عن شهودٍ على جَرائِم تمَّ ارْتِكابُها أَثْناءَ الحَرْبِ السوريّةِ:

    News item | 09-04-2024 | 14:12

  7. The Netherlands Public Prosecution Service (OM) will not proceed with criminal proceedings following the train accident near Voorschoten

    The Public Prosecution Service (OM) of the Netherlands will not proceed with criminal proceedings following the train accident ...

    News item | 02-04-2024 | 13:27

  8. Aviation Expertise Centre of the PPS North Holland Launched and Ambitions Announced

    The new Aviation Expertise Centre of the PPS was officially launched at a symposium in Madurodam on Thursday 28 March. Under the ...

    News item | 28-03-2024 | 00:00

  9. 32-year-old man arrested in Dubai at the request of the Netherlands

    After constructive cooperation between the authorities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Netherlands, a 32-year-old man ...

    News item | 13-03-2024 | 00:00

  10. بيان صحفي

    لنيابة العامة تطالب بسجنه 4 سنوات لمشاركته في مجموعة مسلحة قامت بأعمال نهب خلال الحرب الأهلية في سوريا

    News item | 31-01-2024 | 13:52